I just arrived in Leuven this morning. This is sort of a test blog, as I only have a few minutes of internet time left and I am new at blogging... expect a more detailed post about my travels tomorrow!
I am a recent graduate of Johns Hopkins University. Through the Institute for NanoBio Technology (INBT) International Research Experience for Students (IRES) program, I am interning at the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) in Leuven, Belgium for 11 weeks this summer. The IRES program is intended to give students the opportunity to work abroad at IMEC, a world leader in nana-electronics research, and to establish collaborations between Hopkins and IMEC. At Hopkins, I did research on reductive desorption of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) with the Searson group. Here at IMEC, I will be performing similar work with SAMs for DNA biosensing applications. On the weekends, I plan to travel around to other cities in Belgium and nearby countries in Europe! I will use this blog to post updates about my research experience at IMEC and my travels.
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